
Have you ever looked at abortions form an ecological standpoint? 

Honestly, I haven’t giving it much thought before now.


Today I here to discuss abortions from a eco-feminist perspective, and in comparison to traditional accounts. First I would like to say that I do understand that this may be a sensitive topic which leads me into a good quote I like by Marvin Olasky.

Image result for quote about talking about sensitive topics


When we hear about abortions in politics and the media we usually hear it from the feminist standpoint or tradition standpoint where there are three major views pro life, pro choice, and a middle point. Churches, religions, and extremely conservative groups are associated with anti abortion campaigns and pro life. On the opposite had we have extremely liberal folks for pro choice, and then there is the majority or everyone else who seems to fall in the middle as moderate.

Before considering the traditional standpoints its important to understand the major agreements of abortion between them. The main argument is when someone is considered a human being or person. Pro life considers this to be at conception, pro choice considers this to be after birth, and moderate is somewhere during the developmental process (zygots,fetus,infant) which is also heavily debated.

The developmental stage is the point where the abortion can be morally justifies before it’s viewed as a human being.

Ronnie Zoe Hawkins takes a look at abortions from an eco-feminist view which is not considered in the traditional reason for abortions.

There are two kinds of order of reasons of abortions. “There are first orders like rape, endangerment of the woman’s life, or mental and physical disabled fetuses. Then you have second order of reason like career choices, life journeys, and by virtue of financial or social grievances”.

Hawkins formally introduces the idea to consider the ecological standpoint when considering abortions. She views abortions eco-logically because of the growing population and lack of resources. She states that : abortions limit the ecological damaging effect of the human population in all parts of the globe”. She would like to bring ecological concerns to the abortion debate and I agree with that. Looking at it from a eco-feminist standpoint you have to consider the effects we as humans have on the environment. She leaves us with this something to consider, she states that eco-feminism provides additional ground for pro choice.

One thing I will note is that even though I agree with Hawkins that ecological concerns need to be brought into the abortion debate I don’t suggest them to be considered as first order reason.



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  1. Sierra,
    I agree that we as humans have a drastic impact on the environment. However, I must disagree with Hawkins’ article as a whole. I feel that she is viewing abortion as more of a generalized overpopulation issue, when in reality that’s not the case. Of course, less humans can mean less harmful effects on our ecosystem, but it’s not simply how many people exist, but how they treat their environment. So long as people are educated about things like recycling, trying to take bikes or public transportation, not littering, we can cut down on ecosystem harm just by education and mindful practice alone.
    Great post,
    Rachel 🙂

    1. I think if you’re looking at feminism from a ecological perspective then Hawkins is completely on the spot. Her view first is factoring the ecological aspect into abortions. I agree that it shouldn’t be a major factor in the abortion decision making but I think I is worth considering which is why I places it in the second order of seasoning for abortions. It’s definitely something that isn’t considered and due to overpopulation and even global warming it should.

  2. What do you mean my first order reason? I am curious. It’s unclear what your thinking at the end of your thought. I think there is something very Masculine about her thought, like we have to be tough and save the planet. I think Hawkins could have taken a different approach. What do you think. Also I like how clear you are and precise. Thanks

    1. Hi Jessica,
      Thanks for your comment. So in the post I explain the order of seasons for abortions.
      Here it is..
      There are two kinds of order of reasons of abortions. “There are first orders like rape, endangerment of the woman’s life, or mental and physical disabled fetuses. Then you have second order of reason like career choices, life journeys, and by virtue of financial or social grievances”.

      So at the end I follow up on that with my own agreements and where I see they fit.

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