Non Western Eco-feminism Perspective

Women In Nature

First, what is the connection between women and nature. In a article I found by Judith Plant, she states “Women have long been associated with nature – metaphorically, as in ‘mother Earth’, for instance. Our language says it all: a ‘virgin’ forest is one awaiting exploitation, as yet untouched by man. In society too, women have been associated with physical side of life. Our role has always been ‘closer to nature’, our natural work centred around human physical requirements: eating, sex, cleaning, the care of children and sick people. We have taken care of day-to-day life so that men have been able to go ‘out into the world’, to creates and enact methods of exploiting nature, including other human beings. Then to return to a home-life which waits in readiness. (A man’s home is his castle.)”

To me I see this a women being associated with nature and men being associated with material things like own a house, wife, family, wealth. Women are associated with gardens, roots, family, food ect.

Mother Earth Female Portrait Brian Kirhagis Treason Gallery

Surreal Portraits Celebrate “Mother Earth” With Women Made Out of Nature


What Agarwal talks about is the connection between women and the environment. Going back  to Warren and Hobgoods western perspective it does not focus primarily on  the connection between women and nature. That is why it is important to study women globally.

When you look at the issues that women are dealing with in places where they are being deprived from basic resources like medical, food supply, water, education, etc. you have to take in consideration the magnitude of gender degration. Agarwal mentions that the struggle to survive in developing worlds has everything to do with environmental feminism.  The western perspective and non western perspective on eco-feminism is both equally important when you are trying to understand women issues at a global level. Women have been seen as closer to nature since the beginning of time so its inevitable that the relation between women and nature detects how women live.

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