Intersectionality and Connectivity

Start of Intersectional feminism  Intersection is the feminism is a concept first explained by Kimberle Crenshaw 30 years ago as the experience of intersection that is beyond racsim and sexism. On Friday, during a panel discussion at the annual Netroots Nation conference in Atlanta, she gave a gloss on intersectionality in a way that made clear …

State and Gov’t

In the article Gender Equality and State Environmentalalism Kari Norgarrd and Richard York connect women in power and the state environment. They theory that “women are more environmentally progressive in the inclusion of women as equal members of society- as voters, citizens, policy makers & social movement participants should positively influence state behavior”. Some of their Key …

Women Nature Association

In The Politic of Meat  Carol J. Adams explains the connection between animal and human sexualization along with concepts of anthropronography and the intersections between objectification between women and animals.  Looking at this picture at first glace my attention goes to the man that I recognize. This is hip hop artist Ludacris. In this chicken …

Vegetarian Eco feminism

  Let’s start with this image. To me this image is a pure representation of how meat is mad masculine. In contextual moral vegetarianism author Deane Curtin explains how there are ideological pressures that men face which encourages the consumption of meat. Men’s masculinity is compared to the food choices they eat. The more meat …

Non Western Eco-feminism Perspective Women In Nature First, what is the connection between women and nature. In a article I found by Judith Plant, she states “Women have long been associated with nature – metaphorically, as in ‘mother Earth’, for instance. Our language says it all: a ‘virgin’ forest is one awaiting exploitation, as yet untouched by man. …

Grade 14 and the count down begins

Hello, My name is Sierra Martinez. I am currently a 14 grader in college, or otherwise known as a junior. I am in school to learn and to receive this really important piece of paper that I need in life. Some things I enjoy during outside of studying and homework would have to be dancing, …