Let’s start with this image. To me this image is a pure representation of how meat is mad masculine. In contextual moral vegetarianism author Deane Curtin explains how there are ideological pressures that men face which encourages the consumption of meat. Men’s masculinity is compared to the food choices they eat. The more meat they consume the more “manly” they are. When I look at this picture it reminds me of this idea. Meat is advertised to attack the ego and esteem of men. I see thick slices of meat being cut up by a chef. My first instinct in that it’s being served to some hungry man. Food association advertising is the reason why I would assume these slices are for men. Women are compared to vegetables and salads. Women are suppose to eat petite while men eat large and “heavy”.
Gendered FoodsÂ
Here are some images of advertisement use to attract a certain gendered consumer. Can you guess who would pick up this very masculine looking yogurt? I placed a similar product below with a completely different marketing strategy. Well we can clearly see the different between the two. Since yogurt is normally associated with women, this company decided to switch up their advertisement. They used darker colors like black and red. They added the word “powerful” on the label with a nice little animal with horns to add some more masculinity. This would totally make a man feel much better about eating yogurt. What do you know, they even added more protein because men need lots of protein.
We all know that meat is associated with men. Meat is also one of the only foods that is sexualized. Yeah! That’s right! Isn’t that weird. We eat this food, yet it’s okay to be used as a sex reference? Yep, that’s unfortunately correct. Take a look at this burger king advertisement above. Women are often looked at as objects so it doesn’t surprise me that they would use an image that dehumanizes both women and animals (meat), in order to attract men.
Human & Animal Relations
Greta Gaard has a good understanding on human and animal relations. She believes that there is a connection between species-ism and class-ism. Species-ism is defined as the oppression of one species by another, This is why women are able to connect with animals because they as well are being oppressed. Cutrin believes reasons for vegetarianism may differ by gender locale, and class. She states that contextual relations are major influences such as geographical context.
Hi Sierra,
I like all the different foods you chose to focus on especially the yogurt. I’ve actually never noticed this yogurt in the store before but looking at the packaging it definitely seems to stand out and focuses on a different demographic than traditionally used for yogurt. Since yogurt is a powerful protein it seems natural that it would use the “power” approach for building muscle which was generally more of a male idea in the past however, a lot of women are now getting into killer shape and working out hard.
You are absolutely right about meat being sexualized which is definitely weird. I don’t think I really thought of that aspect of it myself but yuck! Great analysis.