Grade 14 and the count down begins


My name is Sierra Martinez. I am currently a 14 grader in college, or otherwise known as a junior. I am in school to learn and to receive this really important piece of paper that I need in life. Some things I enjoy during outside of studying and homework would have to be dancing, shopping, and watching Netflix. I also enjoy hiking, working out, and getting my nails done. Fun Fact, I haven’t taken my nails off (acrylic) in over five years! Moving on…

After reading the article


Sacramento Audubon Society

The Sacramento Audubon Society is a conservation group that focuses on bringing education and resources to the community. They achieve this by putting on activities and field trips for the youth, community presentations and proving general information to the public. They provide many contributions to the bird community in Northern California but my favorite has the be the bird boxes and nest they put up to help maintain and build the bird population.

The Society’s mission is to:

a) promote the protection and scientific study of wild birds;
b) promote the enjoyment and appreciation of wild birds through community outreach;
c) provide, encourage and support environmental educational opportunities; and
d) provide proactive leadership in the conservation of open space in the Sacramento region.

SAS is an incorporated 501c3 non profit organization located in the Central Valley of Northern California.

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